This page contains english publications of my research findings resp. co-productions with other authors 2005 Discussion whether general «amnesties» are the best way to deal with undocumented migrants or whether a more differentiated approach is to be peferred. Text as pdf-file. 2003 English translation of the Executive Summary of my book Life in the Shadows («Leben in der Schattenwelt
- Problemkomplex illegale Migration. Neue Erkenntnisse zur Lebenssituation illegaler Ausländer in München und anderen Orten Deutschlands») Text as pdf-file. 2000 Summary of the field studies into undocumented migration, commissioned by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom: Gibney, M. (2000)
Outside the protection of the Law: The Situation of Irregular Migrants in Europe. A synthesis report commissioned by the Jesuit Refugee Service Europe. Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper Nr. 6, Oxford. Study as Word-File 1999 English translation of the Executive Summary of the Research-Report Illegal in Germany («Illegal in
Deutschland. Forschungsprojekt zur Lebenssituation illegaler Migranten in Leipzig»). File in pdf-format Impressum